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  • Product Info Anadrol

    ALTERNATIVE STEROID NAMES: Anadrol, Anadrol-50, Anapolone oxymetholone, Oxymetholon, Dynasten, Roboral, Synasteron, Hemogenin, Oxitosona, Oxanabolic, Oxy 50
    ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Oxymetholone 50mg/capsule 100 capsules or 100 ml depending on destination
    Strength Gains: @@@@@@@@@@
    Mass & Weight Gains: @@@@@@@@@@
    Fat Burning:
    Side Effects: @@@@@@@@@
    Ability to keep Gains: @
    Usual dosages: 50 – 150 mg per day
    Detection time: 2 Months
    Best combined with:
    Bulking: Deca Durabolin, Primobolan, Winstrol, Sustanon (generally all testosterones)
    Cutting: Anadrol is usually not used in cutting cycles
    Beginner Use: @@@
    Female Use: @@
    Pros: Extremely rapid strength and mass buildup, easily obtainable.
    Cons: Very strong side effects, Most of the gains are lost after the cycle.


    Pharmaceutical Name: Oxymetholone 

    Chemical structure: 17 beta-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17alpha-methyl-5 alpha-androstan-3-one 

    Molecular weight of base: 332.482 



    Oxymetholone is a very powerful anabolic androgenic steroid of immense capabilities. Generally abulking steroid, as size promotion is its primary purpose it does possess secondary characteristics well-suited for cutting as well but only in very specific cases and for the average man this type of use will never be implored. As a powerful steroid most will find Oxymetholone is best used during a bulking cycle at the front end as a kick start to the overall cycle. The most common practice is a 4-6 week run of Oxymetholone at a dosing of 50mg per day and for many this will be all theOxymetholone they will ever need. However, for those who want a little more and these individuals always exist, 100g per day for the same time frame can be successfully administered but there are some important notes. It is important to understand how your body reacts to this steroid before you ever begin a 100mg dose; further, understand the possibility of negative side-effects increase dramatically when the dosing is increased.

    While 100mg a day will prove to be the maximum dosage that can be safely used, assuming the individual knows what they’re doing, beyond 100mg will often prove to be a waste as Oxymetholonehas been shown to possess a fast diminishing rate when you go past the 100g mark. This simply means doses of 150mg or 200mg and beyond will not produce results greater than 100mg or at least at any noteworthy affect. The same can also be said of total duration; past the 6 week mark the benefits of Oxymetholone supplementation will begin to largely fade. While an individual may indeed pack on as much as 20-30lbs with the steroid the first 4-6 weeks such massive increases will not occur past the 6 week mark.

    As is with all anabolic steroids Oxymetholone does carry with it the possibility of negative adverse side-effects and with this steroid they can be very severe; especially when responsible use is thrown to the wind. Oxymetholone is one of the most hepatic oral steroids on the market; as a 17-aa steroid it is very toxic to the liver but while this is the case with all 17-aa steroids it is more so here. Granted, with responsible use liver damage will often be reversed when use is discontinued but this is assuming responsible sue was implored. Further, as it is well-known for, Oxymetholone can greatly cause a massive buildup in water retention, so much so that for many the effect can be unbearable. For this reason the use of an aromatase inhibitor (AI) is highly advised. Further, the use of an AI will aid in the prevention of Gynecomastia as well, another possible side-effect due to use. It is important to note, regarding water retention more often than not its unbearable nature is brought on by excess carbohydrate consumption. Excess carbohydrates will cause bloat, Oxymetholone will cause bloat; couple the two factors together and you often have a mess. Learn to control your eating and this problem can be largely avoided when responsible use is followed.

    As is easy to see, by its very nature Oxymetholone serves the primary role of increasing size, however, many competitive bodybuilders supplement with the steroid at the end of a contest prep cycle in order to fill out more efficiently. One must have a full understanding of the steroid to pull off such use without excess water retention being a problem but as the steroids effect on carbohydrate consumption is so pronounced it can have a positive effect when used properly for this purpose.

    Regardless of your purpose for use it is very important you ensure you are healthy enough for use to begin with. Oxymetholone can severely increase blood pressure and if your blood pressure is already high you cannot use this steroid and if you are predisposed to such a condition you are highly advised to stay away. As with most anabolic steroids supplemental testosterone is very important for the male users as Oxymetholone will suppress natural testosterone production. For the female this is a steroid we cannot recommend as virilization can be very problematic when supplemental Oxymetholone is part of the female athlete’s plans.



    We have so many anabolic steroids to choose from; some strong, some a little weaker and anabolicsteroids that serve every purpose imaginable but there is none more potent than that of Anadrol, was first developed in the 1960s by Syntex Pharmaceuticals as oxymetholone with means to treat muscle wasting diseases, osteoporosis and anemia. As should come as no surprise, being as this drug was developed to treat muscle wasting diseases it would soon find its way into the performance enhancing world, as is common.

    Anadrol is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids on the planet; as an oral steroid there is no stronger. As powerful as Anadrol is it is also one of the most problematic in terms of unwanted side-effects. As with all anabolic steroids there is always a risk to reward ratio and makes no exception.

    Why Anadrol?

    Anadrol greatly increases protein synthesis, a key element in gaining muscle mass; further attributes include its ability to dramatically increase red-blood cell counts in the individual; this is the reason it was developed in the fight against anemia. Anadrol also belongs to a class of steroids that can greatly increase water retention; please make a note of the word Can this is not the same as Will. Although Anadrol can greatly increase the amount of water youre holding in your body what many athletes fail to understand is that ones diet greatly affects the amount of water that is held. Many competitive bodybuilders use Anadrol as part of their contest preparations in order to give them a fuller look at the end and if you know anything about bodybuilding it is that water is the enemy when youre on stage. Some individuals will be more sensitive to water retention while using Anadrol some not but either way the punch this anabolic steroid packs is unlike any other.

    Most Anadrol users will use the drug as part of a stack in conjunction with other anabolic steroids. The most common administration of Anadrol is at the beginning of an anabolic steroid cycle the first four to six weeks. Anadrol is one of the more toxic oral steroids on the market and use much longer than six weeks is not recommended. However, most Anadrol users will only see substantial gains from the drug the first four to six weeks, so any longer is usually a waste. It is not uncommon for Anadrol users to gain as much as seven to ten pounds per week the first two weeks of use; generally the gains will slow down as the weeks continue. It cannot be stressed enough; a dramatic increase in weight such as this will not occur if one is not eating to fuel such a gain. Yes, weight will still be gained but it is largely dependent on the number of calories coming in. 

    Side Effects of Anadrol

    Other common side-effects of Anadrol use include but are not limited to:

    • Gynecomastia
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Acne
    • Bloating

    Although these side-effects can be very nasty, they can also be avoidable. When using Anadrol it is highly recommended you use a good aromatase inhibitor such as Anastrozole (Arimidex) to ward of Gynecomastia. Issues such as bloating can usually be eliminated with careful diet planning, however, Anadrol is such a powerful drug sometimes water retention can settle in the lower back region and cause a very uncomfortable feeling. As for Acne, as it is with all anabolic steroids and is with Anadrol buy human grade and normally youll be fine; however, if you are more sensitive than average some acne may occur.

    The next question and perhaps the most common, who is Anadrol for in-terms of the performance enhancing world and the answer is simple; anyone looking for dramatic increases in strength and size will find this anabolic steroid to be for them. Granted, the side-effects are strong, the Back Pumps many attribute to Anadrol use can at times be unbearable but if you can handle it there isnt another anabolic steroid quite like it.

    Oxymetholone is one of the strongest androgenic steroid available.[citation needed] Similarly, it also poses the greatest risk of side effects of any steroid. Despite very low binding affinity with the androgen receptor, oxymetholone is highly effective in promoting extensive gains in body mass, mostly by greatly improving protein synthesis.[citation needed] For this reason, it is often used by bodybuilders and athletes. Many athletes also use oxymetholone as a method of protection for the joints under heavy loads. Due to the high water retention users experience from this drug, it similarly lubricates the joints and helps protect them from injury. Oxymetholone is widely considered by bodybuilders to have the strongest anabolic effect out of any oral steroid available.

    Anadrol Cycles

    While there are many cycles and stacks we can plan, quality Anadrol cycles are without question very hard to beat. Most commonly Anadrol cycles are run during off-season periods of growth as thesteroid is well-suited for rapidly building mass and increasing strength. Of course Anadrol cycles can be part of a cutting plan and very effectively so but as the vast majority supplement for off-season periods of use it will be this period we focus on here.

    As a powerful DHT based anabolic steroid Anadrol can rapidly increase size; it is not uncommon for increases in weight to reach 20-30lbs in mere weeks of use. Further, if that wasnt enough those who supplement with this steroid can expect to see their strength shoot through the roof; strength and size with full and well-rounded muscles, for many performance enhancers this is the end all be all. Of course before you plan any of your Anadrol cycles, although those are some amazing benefits that can be obtained youre going to need to know how to go about it. Contrary to popular culture belief you cannot simply supplement with anabolic steroids; you do not randomly pour a bottle of pills down your throat or arbitrarily jam a needle in your butt; there is planning, doses, length and what to stack.

    The Basics:

    Before you plan any Anadrol cycles there is one very important prerequisite that must be fulfilled; education. It is very important you familiarize yourself with the hormone; read and study various profiles and reviews and ensure you have a sound understanding of the hormones functions so as to eliminate any surprises later on down the road.

    Once the hormone is understood its actually time to start planning. In most all cases, most Anadrol cycles will run for 4-6 weeks of use at a dosing of 50mg per day; for most men there will never be a need to go over this amount. Luckily for you this steroid comes in 50mg tablets making supplementation very easy. Of course some will want more and doses as high as 100mg can be used but should only be used by very experienced and only when absolutely necessary. One should keep in mind the higher the dose goes the greater the risk of adverse side-effects will be; you may indeed get a little more out of 100mg per day but the odds of incurring adverse effects are not in your favor. Beyond 100mg is not advisable; not only is it very dangerous its actually pointless. Unlike many anabolic androgenic steroids Anadrol appears to hold to a sharp fall-off curve; simply put, a dose of say 150mg is not going to do much more than a dose of 100mg and will in-short be a waste of good Anadrol.

    Sample Anadrol Cycles:

    We have provided you four sample Anadrol cycles from which to choose; the first is for a fresh beginner, one is moderate, the third is somewhat advanced with the final cycle being for the far advanced anabolic steroid user. One of the first things you may have noticed is testosterone is included in each and every cycle and necessarily so. Like most all anabolic steroids Anadrol will greatly suppress your natural testosterone production and as you need testosterone and essentially so, it must be provided in exogenous form. In reality though the added testosterone is a benefit as this is the most important and beneficial anabolic steroid to begin with by far; in reality, testosterone is the foundation and Anadrol is the addition. Regardless of your level of experience one of these Anadrol cycles will more than likely meet your needs. It is however important to note, were not saying you cant plan your Anadrol cycles differently than what we have laid out here; weve simply provided you four sample Anadrol cycles that are highly efficient and effective but there are truly numerous options.

    • Level 1: Week 1-4 Anadrol 50mg every day Week 1-12 Testosterone-Enanthate 500mg per week
    • Level 2: Week 1-6 Anadrol 50mg every day Week 1-10 Deca-Durabolin 200mg per week Week 1-12 Testosterone-Cypionate 600mg per week
    • Level 3: Week 1-6 Anadrol 50mg per day Week 1-12 Deca-Durabolin 400mg per week Week 1-16 Testosterone-Enanthate 750mg per week
    • Level 4: Week 1-6 Anadrol 100mg per day Week 1-10 Deca-Durabolin 400mg per week Week 1-16 Testosterone-Cypionate or Enanthate 1,000mg per week Week 13-20Trenbolone-Acetate 75mg every other day Week 17-20 Testosterone-Propionate 200mg every other day
oral liquid or caps

100 ml 50mg/ml not to Norway or Australia, 100 capsules 50mg/ to us and uk only


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