Product Info Turinabol sublingual drops
Turinabol sublingual drops 40 mg/ml 30 ml
One of the less commonly used anabolic steroids Turinabol while a bit more on the exotic side is only less popular than many other steroids because its availability is rather low in comparison to many others. First produced in East Germany by Jenapharm, Turinabol’s existence was brought about purely for performance purposes; it was and is one of the few anabolic steroids that is only used in performance enhancement and has no purpose in the medical community. It was during the Cold-War era that the East Germans did all they could to promote victory in the Olympic Games by any means necessary and they were quite successful as one of the premier dominating forces and Turinabol among other anabolic steroids played a massive role in this outcome. Due to the success of this steroid in East Germany and the fact that it was undetectable at the time, the popularity of this steroid exploded and when one of the premier underground anabolic steroid labs came into existence, British Dragon with its own Turinabol product its popularity reached an all-time high. However, as it stands today you will not find T-bol as it is most commonly known in any human grade pharmacy form and very few labs carry it anymore; as you recall the original British Dragon is no more. Of the few labs who still manufacture the product you will find it to be a little on the pricy side.
Dose for men 50 – 100 mg par day.
Turinabol is an oral 17-alpha-alkylated (17-aa) anabolic steroid that is more closely related toDianabol than any other steroid. A common thought is to compare Tbol to Anavar based on the types of gains but when we examine the steroid we find a bit of a different story. As you understand Dianabol is simply Methandrostenolone and Turinabol is Methandrostenolone with the added 4-chloro alteration. While there are strong similarities there are also some very distinctive differences making Tbol unique and a steroid worthy of discussion.
An anabolic androgenic steroid Oral-Turinabol as it is officially known carries an androgenic ranking of 0 but nevertheless possess androgenic qualities as well as a nice anabolic ranking of 53. As a 17-aa anabolic steroid Turinabol is hepatic and liver enzymes will increase when the steroid is present; however, such existence is necessary in order for the steroid to function and survive. The 17-aa structural alteration simply means the steroid has been altered at the 17th carbon position in order for it to survive the first pass through the liver; without this change the hormone would be destroyed before it reached the blood and provided any advantage or benefit to the body.
As by its nature one of the primary functions of the hormonal compound is in its synergetic nature with other anabolic steroids. Turinabol has the ability to reduce Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) thereby freeing more testosterone to be used at a higher rate of efficiency within the body. However, this steroid also by its nature carries a negative trait due to its fibrinolytic properties, meaning, it will greatly slow down the blood clotting process. When you couple this with the fact anabolic steroids increase hematocrit levels any cut you incur will bleed far longer than normal.
As mentioned Turinabol carries some strong similarities in its make-up with Dianabol as it will increase strength and size but it is strength and performance for which it is more apt. Further, unlike Dianabol Tbol will not aromatize therefor giving it a higher level of toleration in many users.
The Benefits of Turinabol:
Turinabol can be a good anabolic steroid for generally any cycle; however, it will not produce near the amount of mass as many other steroids and to produce a large amount of mass an individual would need a fairly large amount and as Tbol is relatively expensive this isn’t always the best rout. However, it is important to note, by the way in-which Turinabol exist any increase in size will be exactly the size you want, pure muscle tissue. Make no mistake; we’re not saying Tbol is as poor of a mass builder as Primobolan, far from it but its positive properties will largely lie within increasing strength and athletic performance.
As it pertains to enhancing athletic performance it really shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise; after all, this was the original intention of this anabolic steroid when it was brought to the market. How good is Turinabol at performing this task; well, a mere 30mg per day could give most any athlete a nice boost in speed but most will find a little more to be far more worth their while. While this steroid can be very beneficial to the performance athlete it can also have a positive effect for the bodybuilder in-terms of performance in that same light but the majority of competitive bodybuilders who supplement with Tbol will do so when dieting.
You will rarely if ever find a competitive bodybuilder who supplements with Turinabol during his off-season period; as discussed this is not one of the better mass builders and mass is the primary focus for most bodybuilders during the off-season. It is during the dieting phase Tbol can be useful to the bodybuilder as it can aid him in maintaining strength while he is dieting and help him push through his workouts a little harder. However, this is not one of the more commonly used bodybuildingsteroids even in the dieting phase not simply because its availability is rather low but because there are so many other steroids that will serve this individuals purpose to much more efficient degree.
The Side-Effects of Turinabol:
The most serious side-effect to Oral-Turinabol use is undoubtedly liver toxicity; those who supplement will find their enzyme levels to increase substantially when this steroid is in play and for this reason we will generally want to limit our use of the steroid to 6-8 week periods. It should be noted, while Turinabol is hepatic it is not nearly as toxic as many other oral anabolic steroids, such as Halotestin but nowhere near as liver friendly as say Anavar. However, once use is discontinued and assuming you are living a healthy lifestyle to begin with you will find your liver enzymes will return to normal very rapidly once use has been discontinued; of course this is assuming you are not supplementing with any other 17-aa anabolic androgenic steroids. Beyond liver toxicity the reports regarding side-effects of Tbol use are almost non-existent; that’s correct, this is one of the more well-tolerated anabolic steroids on the market. It should be noted, it can cause virilization symptoms in women but this is a topic that deserves a little extra attention.
Turinabol & Women:
It’s hardly a secret, female use of anabolic androgenic steroids can be quite devastating to a woman’s femininity and for the female athlete even more caution must necessarily be applied if disaster is to be avoided. While there are many anabolic steroids in-which we have to choose from most women will find they are fairly limited if virilization is to be avoided as such an effect can strongly promote masculine characteristics. Generally milder steroids such as Anavar and Primobolan are a woman’s best friend, as they are both mild yet highly effective. As it pertains toTurinabol we have another steroid that can be used by women but more caution must be applied if it is to be used safely without a virilization effect and if such can be accomplished most women will find this particular steroid to be far more valuable to them than men. On a per milligram basis women tend to reap a higher reward than their counterparts but if virilization occurs it appears to do so at a faster and higher rate than many other steroids. Yes, women can use the steroid in a low dose and reap a very promising reward but the unpredictable nature of the drug in-terms of virilization is often too much to risk and most women will find other steroids to be a far more well-suited option.
Turinabol Cycles & Doses:
For the athlete looking for an edge a dosing of 50mg per day will generally prove to be the minimal with 75mg per day being far more optimal. While 50mg per day will provide a nice boost in-terms of overall athletic performance if you’re really looking to transform your physique you will probably need a far greater dose. As this steroid will not provide massive amounts of lean tissue most bodybuilders will not mess with it and if they do they will necessarily take massive amounts making it a poor choice for off-season periods of growth. The dieting bodybuilder however might find a more suitable use for the steroid but again there are more efficient choices for this individual. In either case, as it is an anabolic steroid that is hepatic total use should not extend past the 8 week mark but many will find 6 weeks to be just about perfect.
For the female Turinabol user 10mg per day would be the starting point with 30mg per day being the absolute max. Most females will need to start at 10mg per day to see how they react but understand if you approach the 10mg mark you will increase the probability of virilization. While 10mg per day may not sound like much it is important to remember on a per milligram basis Turinabol appears to be much stronger in women than it is in men meaning lower doses will have a far reaching and pronounced affect.
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