Testosterone sublingual drops


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Testosterone Base 40mg/ml 30 ml drop bottle

Testosterone Base

The use of Testosterone Base is very popular due to all it can deliver. It is a powerful anabolic steroid, and one that helps to keep the testosterone levels higher. This increases energy and offsets the lack of natural testosterone production due to other steroids in the stack. The average user can gain between 15 and 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in a cycle!

Since Testosterone Base doesn’t have an ester, it is long lasting. This means the benefits extend for long periods of time and the amount of it used in a cycle can be reduced. Injections are only needed every 3 to 4 days.

Reasons to use

Testosterone Base is often used to help create lean muscle mass and additional strength in the least amount of time. It does take hard work including daily workouts that push you to the limits and a strict diet. Yet being able to see the visual benefits and to feel stronger in that short window of time is encouraging.

Other benefits with using Testosterone Base include:

  • Increased energy
  • Increased red blood cells
  • Higher libido
  • Process protein intake better


The use of Testosterone Base is completed through injection only. It is important to note you need a 25 gauge needle to be successful with it. Trying to use an average 22 gauge needle will result in part of it getting stuck in the syringe part before it is all injected into the body part. The injection site can become sore, so it is best to route where it is injected.

The typical dose of Testosterone Base is 100 mg every 3 to 4 days. It isn’t wise to use more than that due to the increased risk of side effects. Yet there isn’t going to be a substantial increase in benefits by using more of it at once. Some bodybuilders do use up to 250 mg per week. The typical cycle is 8 weeks and it shouldn’t exceed 12 weeks.

Possible Side Effects

Due to the estrogenic properties in Testosterone Base, it can cause some men to struggle with enlarged breasts and tender breasts. This can be offset by adding an anti-estrogenic entity to the stack from the start. Stop taking Testosterone Base if you experience water retention or bloating around the abdominal area.

For most users, side effects are either non-existent or they are very mild with Testosterone Base. Such side effects can include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Lack of appetite
  • Sore joints and muscles
  • Shrinking of the testicles


It is important to carefully determine where to purchase Testosterone Base. Due to the high demand for it, there are fake products all over the black market. You never want to pay for them and get ripped off. You also don’t want to inject anything into your body without being certain what it consists of.

Due to the powerful nature of Testosterone Base, it can alter mood. Stop taking it right away if you notice changes in behaviors such as depression or aggression. The use of it can reduce the ability to fertilize an egg due to the lower sperm count created. The sperm count should go back to normal in the weeks following the end of the cycle.

Drug Interactions

Take some time to identify the best steroids to stack Testosterone Base with. This will help you to gain the most benefits from the use of it. Talk to your doctor about any medications you use before you start adding this steroid to your routine. Not all of them will interact well with it.



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